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Your breakthrough begins here.


Download our FREE guide 

Empowered Responses: The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Toxic Relationships


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Are you tired of feeling trapped in toxic family dynamics? Struggling to set boundaries without guilt or fear?


You're not alone. I've been there, and I'm here to tell you that breakthrough is possible.


I'm here to help you navigate this difficult journey with confidence.

Your roadmap to reclaim your peace in the face of challenging family situations


In this comprehensive guide, we provide you with expert insights and actionable strategies to help you navigate the complexities of dysfunctional family relationships.

What You'll Discover in Our Free Guide:

  1. Understanding Toxicity: Gain insights into the various types of toxic people and what that means for your boundaries
  2. Setting Boundaries: Follow our step-by-step action plan to effectively set boundaries in your relationships.
  3. Emotional Resilience: Develop emotional resilience strategies to withstand negativity and cultivate inner strength.
  4. Effective Communication: Master the skills to communicate assertively, fostering healthier interactions within your family circle.
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Hi, I'm Christie


I am a relational trauma therapist who helps people like you navigate toxic family relationships and feel whole again.

I know what it is like to no longer know if you can trust yourself-- to question if you are being a "bad person" by noticing toxicity and setting boundaries.The process of navigating these toxic relationships can feel so disorienting.

As we begin this journey of healing together, may you hold onto this truth: every part of you--no matter how covered in shame or hopelessness--is worthy of love. 

I want to heal!

It's time for your breakthrough.

Ready to take the first step toward healing and empowerment? Fill out the form below to download your free guide.